Galilee 15 sailboat review
Galilee 15 sailboat review

galilee 15 sailboat review

Sail with jib cracked off just a hair (so the leeward-most part of the foot is near or touching where the rail slopes down). Once up to speed and planning, little scallops can be taken to windward but the windward telltale should only be allowed to drop for short moments. Always keep the telltales on the jib flying. It requires playing the main more, but in small increments, so the slot is never completely closed.

galilee 15 sailboat review

The vang is kept fairly loose, which enables you to spill off the top of the leech if overpowered. Sailing a Vanguard like a 420 essentially means footing.

galilee 15 sailboat review

There is flat water and you feel like you can pinch without sacrificing speed.

galilee 15 sailboat review

You have someone on your hip and you are sailing in phase. When to use the Laser style: You ’re sailing light, have already completely de-powered, and are still overpowered. If they have a big enough hole above you, however, there is a good chance they will get over you. Being able to sail fast in this manner can be a weapon off the starting line…especially against the 420 let-er-rip style sailors on your hip. In any kind of chop it requires aggressive steering because spending too much time pinched over chop will stall you out. Laser style is most effective when sailing in flat water with a lighter crew. In really big breeze, you can sail with jib slightly eased the reference point on the deck would be between the point where jib is max trimmed and the footing position (where the leeward-most part of the jib touches the rail where it starts to dip down). In consistent moderate breeze, the main can be played less often and in small increments while the jib can be kept in fairly tight a good reference point for a crew is to make sure the foot is just folded over inside the rail. Sailing a Vanguard like a Laser means sailing with lots of vang and pinching when overpowered. Incorporating both styles into your repertoire, while also learning to sail “in between” the two, will make you a faster Vanguard 15 sailor. I refer to the pinching style of sailing a V15 upwind as “Laser style,” and I refer to the footing style as either “420 style” or, more affectionately, as “let-er-rip style.” Depending on one’s experience, one style of sailing the Vanguard 15 may initially feel more natural than the other. V15 sailors often sail other dinghies bef ore jumping into a Vanguard - frequently Lasers or 420s. There seem to be two schools of thought about sailing V15s upwind in big breeze.

Galilee 15 sailboat review